Imported stone, paint inspection


The scope of inspection
Imports of stone (commodity name and coding coordination system > in the code for the 2515.2516.68016802 items) and paint (commodity name and coding coordination system > in the code for the 3208.3209 items).

The inspection procedures and stone documents should be provided
The owner or his or her agent should be in before the entry of goods press < entry exit inspection and quarantine inspection regulations >, to the port of entry inspection and quarantine agencies for inspection. Inspection in addition to providing contract, invoice, bill of lading and packing list and other information, should also meet gb6566 - specifications stone 2001 classification requirements, indicating the quartz clock material origin, uses, radioactivity level and category and scope of application; inspection did not provide description or specification does not indicate the, are considered for the use of unrestricted, inspection according to gb6566 - 2001 the provisions of the strict limit requirements for acceptance.

Paint inspection procedures and documents to be provided
1 registration
State General Administration of quality supervision, inspection and Quarantine of imported coating inspection take registration, special detection system. Import paint manufacturers, importers and import agent according to need can apply for imported coating registration and filing to the filing agencies. Filing application shall before the imported coating at least 2 months to the filing agencies apply.
2 inspection procedures and shall provide the certificate
The owner or his or her agent should be in front of the entry of imported coating according to the < entry exit inspection and quarantine inspection regulations >, to the port of entry inspection and quarantine agencies for inspection. Inspection in addition to providing contract, invoice, bill of lading and packing list, coatings have been filed should be submitted at the same time < import paint record book > or a copy of its parts.

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