ID FCC certification application process


To apply for a FRN, used to fill in the other table. If the applicant is the first application of FCC ID, you need to apply for a permanent Grantee Code. to Grantee Code while waiting for the approval of FCC distribution, the applicant should seize the time will be ready for material testing equipment. And the detection report submitted to all FCC FCC has been completed, the applicant should have been approved by the Grantee Code. with this Code, test reports and materials required to complete the FCC Form 731 and Form 159.FCC received Form 159 and remittance on the Internet, the average time began to accept the certification application.FCC accepted ID application for 60 days. At the end of acceptance, FCC will FCC ID Original Grant sent to the applicant. The applicant can sell or export products after getting the certificate.

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