美国FDA非标准食品常用名称的法规汇总(21 CFR 第102部)
A分部 总则
§102.19 非标准食品常用名称的申请(Petitions)
§102.5 非标准食品的常用名称总则(General principles)
B分部 非标准食品的常用名称要求
§102.57 格陵兰岛大菱鲆鱼的常用名称(Greenland turbot (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides )
§102.55 非标准混有面包屑的混合虾的常用名称(Nonstandardized breaded composite shrimp units)
§102.54 海味开胃品的常用名称(Seafood cocktails)
§102.50 蟹肉的常用名称(Crabmeat)
§102.49 用蛤肉制成的煎蛤的常用名称(Fried clams made from minced clams)
§102.47 鲣鱼的常用名称(Bonito)
§102.46 太平洋牙鳕常用名称(Pacific whiting)
§102.45 用鱼糜制成的鱼排或鱼块的常用名称(Fish sticks or portions made from minced fish)
§102.41 用干土豆制成的土豆片常用名称(Potato chips made from dried potatoes)
§102.39 用洋葱片制成的洋葱圈的常用名称(Onion rings made from diced onion)
§102.37 食用脂肪或食用油与橄榄油的混合物的常用名称(Mixtures of edible fat or oil and olive oil)
§102.33 含有果汁或蔬菜汁的饮料的常用名称(Beverages that contain fruit or vegetable juice)
§102.28 用于配制主菜或正餐的包装食品名称要求(Foods packaged for use in the preparation of “main dishes” or “dinners.”)
§102.26 冷冻的加热即食正餐(Frozen “heat and serve” dinners)
§102.23 涂抹花生酱(Peanut spreads)
§102.22 蛋白质水解物名称要求(Protein hydrolysates)
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