MET certification introduction
Met the product certification company is American famous certification body, 1959 founded in Maryland,.MET because of its outstanding performance in the product development testing and certification standards and reputation. For nearly half a century, met in the United States attention to high-tech product certification and testing. Today, the met has become famous brand of high-tech product certification. At the same time, with met certification mark of consumer appliances widely accepted by the famous North American retailers, more than 10000 stores in the North American market sales with met certification of electrical products.
Due to historical reasons, the United States product certification has been some monopoly. In the last century seventy or eighty's, MET set off to break the monopoly in the United States product safety certification monopoly tide, the government sued the competent certification industry. After nearly ten years of unremitting efforts to adhere to, MET obtained the general industry peer support and the government's understanding, finally succeeded in winning the "mingaoguan" marathon lawsuit. Then, the United States launched the National Laboratory Accreditation System (NRTL), and the mandatory provisions of the federal agencies to obtain certification as long as the occupation safety and Health Management Committee (OSHA) authorized to become NRTL, have the same legal monopoly and previously to carry out the status of product certification business. That is to say, MET and UL certification marks to obtain the same certification effect. Since then, the history of product certification is beginning in the United States a new an era.
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