Energy-saving product certification is a voluntary product certification of CQC China Quality Certification Center to carry out, to impose "Festival" sign that product conforms to the energy-saving, water saving and other certification requirements, the certification scope of electric device, office equipment, lighting, electrical and mechanical, lose change electric equipment, the energy certification of construction products, and industrial water treatment, urban water, agricultural irrigation and drainage, non traditional water resources utilization and other products of water-saving certification. Aimed at through the development of resource saving certification, prompted consumers of energy-saving products of active consumption, guide and encourage energy saving product promotion and technical level of progress.
Energy saving certification mark
China energy-saving product certification marks, by the "energy" the first letter "e" constitute a circular pattern, including a deformation of the Chinese character "day", meaning for energy saving. The outer circle of the gap and the composition of C hina's first letter "C", "Festival" the upper half of the simplified into a section of the ancient great wall shape, form a peak fire pattern and the lower half, together as a symbol of China. "Festival" in the second half and "to" Chinese spell the first syllable of "n". In entire pattern contains both in Chinese and English, in order to international standards.
China energy-saving product certification marks of ownership belongs to China energy-saving product certification management committee, the use rights owned by China Certification Center for energy. Where the theft, fraudulent use and making the logo without permission, will be in accordance with the law of energy conservation of the people's Republic of China > to pursue the litigant's legal liability.