June 08, 2017 OUR FILE: 46405-11950
Authorization No: 010726938-001
Shenzhen Toby Technology Co., Ltd.
1A/F., Building 6, Yusheng Industrial Zone,
The National Road No.107 Xixiang Section 467,
Xixiang, Bao'an, Shenzhen, Guangdong
Attention: Justin Zhang
Dear Sir:
The Bureau has received your application for the renewal of 3m alternative test site. Be advised that the information received was satisfactory to Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada. The following number(s) is now associated to the site(s) for which registration / renewal was sought ( Site# 11950A-1 ). Please reference the appropriate site number in the body of test reports containing measurements performed on the site. In addition, please keep for your records the following information;
- The company address code associated to the site(s) located at the above address is: 11950A
Furthermore, to obtain or renew a unique site number, the applicant shall demonstrate that the site has been accredited to ANSI C63.4-2014 or later. A scope of accreditation indicating the accreditation by a recognized accreditation body to ANSI C63.4-2014 or later shall be accepted. Please indicate in a letter the previous assigned site number if applicable and the type of site (example: 3 metre OATS or 3 metre chamber). If the test facility is not accredited to ANSI C63.4-2014 or later, the test facility shall submit test data demonstrating full compliance with the ANSI standard. The Bureau will evaluate the filing to determine if recognition shall be granted.
The frequency for re-validation of the test site and the information that is required to be filed or retained by the testing party shall comply with the requirements established by the accrediting organization. However, in all cases, test site re-validation shall occur on an interval not to exceed three years. There is no fee or form associated with an OATS filing. OATS submissions are encouraged to be submitted electronically to the Bureau using the following URL; http://strategis.ic.gc.ca/epic/internet/inceb-bhst.nsf/en/h_tt00052e.html.
If you have any questions, you may contact the Bureau by e-mail at ic.certificationbureau-bureauhomologation.ic@canada.ca Please reference our file and submission number above for all correspondence.
Yours sincerely,
Bill Payn
For: Wireless Laboratory Manager
Certification and Engineering Bureau
3701 Carling Ave., Building 94
P.O. Box 11490, Station AH@
Ottawa, Ontario K2H 8S2
Email: ic.certificationbureau-bureauhomologation.ic@canada.ca